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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is Saudi Arabia the Last Piece Before the Dominoes Fall? Part 1 of 2

The uprising fever has now spread into Saudi Arabia - the largest producer and exporter of petroleum liquids and the second largest producer of crude oil in the world behind Russia.

And if Saudi Arabia starts to shake, the earth will rattle. And I'm not talking of the earthquakes that's now rocking countries around the world.

The Middle East situation is starting to really really get serious. We all know that it all started with one man burning himself in public in Tunisia. Then we've seen and continue to see uprisings in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Oman, and Syria.

On the surface, the uprisings in the Middle East looks like a revolt of people clamoring for democracy. Maybe it is. But the real danger is that the turmoil in the Middle East opened the doors for the extremist and radicals to try to gain control.

Look at Egypt. The exit of Mubarak did not end the Egyptian crisis, it was just a pause. The Mubarak allies are still there trying make a come back in disguise. Then we now have extremist coming in the scene. Fact is, they were just waiting for the right moment.

Then there's Libya going into civil war that sent the world price of oil soaring all across the world market.

And now, Saudi Arabia is starting to itch. And Saudi Arabia is one country that the world can't afford to see implode. No, we can't afford to see a Saudi Arabia uprising. At this point I don't see any eminent danger yet in Saudi Arabia. The protests that is already starting there should stop now.

It's all to obvious that the economic analysts in Wall Street are trying there best to downplay the whole Middle East situation. The Obama administration is playing the same tune too as the Wall Street gamers. The US administration is now on the "foreign policy" level of alert.

Oh the US administration are so careful about saying something on the economic impact of the Middle East uprisings to the already weak and troubled American economy which is being continuously dragged down by politics.

Hopefully, the Middle East crisis will wake up the American politicians and the media to put their acts together or else. America cannot afford another economic turmoil. No they can't!

And here's the big one now for America. A situation that America cannot afford to happen. A situation that can bring America down.

Here it is: If America commits a mistake on how it handles the current Middle East crises, a mistake that will cause the revolting masses in the Middle East to turn their anger against the United States, then America is in serious trouble.

And that mistake can start to happen now in Libya and, more importantly, in Saudi Arabia.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Did China Postpone the Execution of 3 Pinoys?

In my previous post I raised a question, "Are the Chinese Going to Kill the Filipinos?"

At the end of the article I placed a poll with a question "Do you think China will commute the death sentence of the 3 Filipinos?" 100% of those who participated answered "NO".

Two of the convicted Filipino drug traffickers are scheduled to die by lethal injection on February 21 and the other 1 on February 22. This could be the first ever execution of a convicted Filipino drug trafficker in China.

Well, we will not find out yet because the Chinese "postponed" the scheduled execution. This happened after Philippine vice president Jejomar Binay was finally allowed to officially plea in behalf of the Philippine government by allowing the vice president to visit China.

Part of the joint statement by the Philippine "plea" delegation and the Chinese officials says, 
"The two sides expressed the determination to work together and make joint efforts in further strengthening the relationship of strategic cooperation."

Wow! What a vague political statement. What are they trying to say?

"...strengthening the relationship of strategic cooperation."

My question is why did China postpone the execution of the 3 Pinoys? What did the Binay "plea" delegation promised the Chinese government in exchange for the postponement? I hope Binay did not promise the moon and stars to the Chinese.

I am hoping that a real, fair, and mutual cooperation was the deal. But can the party that is the one that pleads expect a fair exchange?

This could also be a test if Binay has the skill of a high caliber diplomat.

Maybe the deal is that the Chinese will increase it's vigilance against drug trafficking from their own end and the Philippines will do the same. This is as far as it can get.

But can the Philippines do its part? There's just so much money that can be made out of illegal drugs. It can easily corrupt anyone.

Illegal drugs is really menacing and brings unspeakable evil to a country and its people.

China suffered a lot from drug addiction that the country was once called the "nation of addicts". The culprit is a nice looking flowering plant called opium poppy or papaver somniferum.

Remember the Opium Wars in the 19th century where the Chinese lost the not one but 2 wars against Britain and was forced to sign a treaty where China was compelled to allow importation of opium into China monopolized by the British East India Company?

Remember Lim Seng, the Chinese national who was convicted of drug trafficking in the Philippines in 1972?

Capital punishment was in effect and Lim Seng was executed by firing squad and televised on national TV.

The Philippines, in fact, was the first to execute a convicted Chinese drug trafficker and not the other way around.

Maybe, just maybe, a lesson will be learned out of all of this.

OFWs are suppose to bring pride to their families and the country, not shame and disgrace.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Are the Chinese Going to Kill the Filipinos?

The execution by lethal injection of the 3 Filipinos convicted of drug trafficking in China on Monday, February 21, is not about the laws in China. It's about where the Philippines is standing with its relationship with China. Period.

Why? Because if we base it on the Chinese law, it's simple - death penalty!

Yes, China said that this is an independent case. Independent from what? Oh come on please.

Independent from the disastrous, awry, bungled, messed-up, or whatever you wanna call it hostage "drama" last year that killed 8 Chinese tourists?

Independent from the ever-unresolved Spratly Island dispute?

If the Americans can't budge China in many ways than one, can the Philippines negotiate a commutation of the death penalty? And the case is drug trafficking!

The Chinese government had executed drug traffickers before from Japan, Britain, and Nigeria.

Let me ask you, do you think China will spare the 3 Pinoys from death on Monday?

Yes or no?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

To all Filipinos around the globe,

Happy Valentine's Day!!

May the uniquely-Filipino LOVE in your hearts continue to keep you and your family together, near or far.

Cheers to the Global Filipinos.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Global Filipino Manny Pacquiao Invited to White House

It brings me great pride to know that our very own Global Filipino, Manny Pacquiao, got invited by the world's most powerful man, US President Barak Obama, to visit the White House.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Is the Philippine Government Ready to Evacuate Pinoys in Egypt?

Source: heraldsun.com.au
Is the Philippine government ready to evacuate Filipinos in Egypt?

I don't think so.

What I hear so far from an official statement from the Malacanang is that Filipinos are safe in Egypt. Reports also say that the Philippine embassy in Cairo is still to finalize exit routes and relocation sites.

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Do you think China will commute the death sentence of the 3 Filipinos?